I CAN'T, HE CAN - In The Waiting Room Part 3

“I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation”  Philippians 4:12

Is that really possible?  Can I really be "content" in every situation?  Can I really find peace inside when there's chaos and turmoil and upheaval all around me?  Is that possible and if so, how do I get there?

That's the topic of week 3 In The Waiting Room as we discuss the "secret of contentment".  You may not believe it but St. Paul gives us a formula to unlock this mystery in our own lives.  What is that formula?  You have to listen to the message to see.  But I'll give you a hint...


EMBRACING THE PAIN - In the Waiting Room Part 2

It's week 2 in our latest series, IN THE WAITING ROOM, and we're still trying to answer the question: what do you do when there's nothing you can do?

We all know someone who's done it - someone who's made it through the waiting room (those unchangeable/unalterable circumstances of life) and come out stronger than when they entered.  How do they do it?  What's their secret?  What am I doing or not doing that stops me from reaching that point of peace/trust in my waiting room?

It all comes down to one decision - one choice that you can make in your waiting room - that will unleash God's power and grace/ in your waiting room in extraordinary ways.

In The Waiting Room - Part 1

What do you do when there's nothing you can do?  

When you're waiting for solutions that don't seem to be coming?  When the problems just won't seem to get any better?  When the more you try to fix them, the worse they get?  What do you do when there's nothing you can do?

That's goal of our newest series at The Well called IN THE WAITING ROOM.  What do you do when you're in the "waiting room" seasons of life - waiting for an answer that doesn't seem to be coming?

If you (or someone you know) is going through one of those waiting room seasons of life, check out the video above.  I won't say that it'll solve all your problems; but hopefully it will help you find hope within them.

Laying Hold of God's Promise [video]

Too often, it seems like there's a disconnect between God's promise and our possession.  In other words, we hear/read many great things that God promises to His children (peace, joy, power, victory, etc.) but we seldom find any of those things in our possession.  Why is that? Check out yesterday's message from The Well - LAYING HOLD OF GOD'S PROMISE - and you'll see why.  

The problem isn't that God doesn't fulfill His promises; the problem is that we aren't looking for the right thing.  

We're looking for trees, but God is giving out seeds.

There's Gotta Be More Than This (sermon video)

Powerful message yesterday about "life" - not the life that so many are living, but rather the life that God designed us for.  We don't realize it but there is another option out there.  Life doesn't have to always be full of confusion and frustration and shame and guilt.  There's gotta be a better way.  There's gotta be more than this... Good news...THERE IS!  It's the life that Jesus spoke of in John 10:10 when He said "I have come that they may have LIFE and have it more ABUNDANTLY."

Want to know more about that abundant life?  Check out yesterday's message from The Well.

Responding to Tragedy - sermon video

Our hearts are all broken over the recent tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut.  Yesterday I preached a message about how we can respond to the inevitable tragedies and disasters of life.  

May God comfort the hearts of all those who are mourning this tragic loss and may He once again make light to shine out of the darkness of this world.