LOVE IS LOCAL - Love Is, Part 4

[NOTE: Audio missing for the first 3 minutes.  Technical difficulties.  My apologies.]

"Love isn't just loving your neighbor; it's also loving your neighborhood."

Week 4 in the Love Is series and this week we looked at the fourth characteristic when it comes to Christ-like love: LOVE IS LOCAL.

In this message, you'll hear me talk about one of the foundational principles upon which STSA was built:  Genuine Love for our Community.  More importantly, you'll get to hear someone else share about how fulfilling this principle made a huge impact on their life and deepened their relationship with God and with His Church.

Check out the video about and see for yourself.  And get ready to start seeing your neighborhood in a whole new light!

BEYOND THE KINGDOM - Build Your Kingdom Part 5

Get ready for a celebration!  It's the final week in the Build Your Kingdom campaign and yesterday's message answered the question: "WHAT'S NEXT?" Check out the video above to see what I mean.  

And keep laying those BRICKS!  The Sunday series may be complete, but the campaign to build the Kingdom in Arlington is NOT!  I'll post an update tomorrow.  But in the meantime, KEEP ON BUILDING!!!

HOPE Association @ The Well

"For You are He who loosens the bound and uplifts the fallen; the hope of those who are hopeless and the help of those who are helpless; the comfort of the fainthearted and the harbor of those in the storm."  Excerpt from Liturgy of St. Basil

If you missed The Well yesterday, you missed out!  HOPE Association gave a special presentation and showed us all the different projects and initiatives that they're kicking off this Fall.  Not only that, they also reminded us of the great impact that we - the Body of Christ - can have on this world through simple acts of love and kindness and sacrifice.  It really touched my heart and there was a barely a dry eye in the room by the end.

Check out the video and see for yourself.