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The Road Ahead (sermon video)


I apologize for the loooong layoff, but what was supposed to be just a 3-week hiatus for the holidays turned out to be much longer due to several factors outside of our control. But thanks be to God, we finally got back to work this past weekend and the video is above.

That’s the good news.

The bad news however is that we – once again unfortunately – had technical difficulties and the recording is both INCOMPLETE (first 5-6 minutes didn’t record) and well BELOW THE QUALITY that you’re used to and deserve. For that I apologize but it was really out of our control.

There were extremely high winds on Sunday morning and that wreaked havoc on the electrical system. We had one complete power outage (it was like Easter night, all the lights went out and it was pitch dark for 20 seconds) and several other times where the power flickered. Every time it flickered, our equipment would power off and power back on. The end result was that we had to salvage what we could from an iPhone recording and that’s what you see here.

NOTE: it’s a lot harder doing church from a rented facility than you think; A LOT harder! Not complaining, just explaining :))

In the end, this was the best we could do and if you aren’t happy with it, please hurry up and win the lottery and give us $2 million so we can build our own church and have more control over these factors (just joking… unless of course you actually have $2 million; if so, let’s talk offline :))))

Anyway, below is a brief summary of the first 5 minutes of the talk that didn’t get recorded. It’s a SUPER IMPORTANT message so I really hope all my loyal followers and all the friends of STSA can listen to it at some point. Thanks everyone!

  • Start with Proverbs 29:18 “Where there is no VISION, the people perish.”

    • Before you set goals/resolutions and begin working, you need a vision as to where you’re headed; the church is the same way.

  • We never want to be content with just “doing church” (ie, going through the motions)

    • God is dynamic (not static) and therefore His Body should be as well; standing still = falling behind.

    • The church needs to have a vision and be headed somewhere because where there is no vision, people perish.

  • Today I will share the three areas I see God leading us in 2019, this is our vision

    • 1 – Growing SMALLER while getting BIGGER

    • 2 – Helping OTHERS without hurting OURSELVES

    • 3 – Taking FAITH-FILLED risks vs living in FEAR-FILLED comfort